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How Apprenticeship Sparked a Culture of Cross-Training and Engagement at Embassy Suites

By Adam Vitcavage

When Embassy Suites in Boulder took on their first youth apprentice a year and a half ago, they had no idea the remarkable changes to workplace culture the young employee could bring. Partnering with CareerWise, Embassy Suites welcomed Karen, a high school student eager to learn and grow. Her presence has not only been a success story for her, but a transformative experience for the entire hotel team.

Barb Harris, Director of People & Culture, reflects on the initial excitement and apprehension of hiring someone so young. “Our GM Joe Steiskal is involved in numerous boards and he is very passionate about teaching the youth and helping benefit younger employees,” said Harris. This passion drove the decision to bring Karen on board, despite some initial concerns by staff around efficiency lessening while training an apprentice.

Karen’s training included learning essential tasks across various departments, from accounting and sales to the restaurant, front desk, housekeeping, and banquet events. This comprehensive approach highlighted the value of cross-departmental knowledge to the existing staff to help make the company more efficient. 

As Karen integrated into her roles, the initial hesitation from managers and staff began to dissipate. Within a month, her positive impact was evident, and departments started requesting her assistance. “It only took a month after she started for managers to see how beneficial an apprentice can be,” said Harris. Karen’s presence inspired other hourly employees to seek cross-training opportunities, leading to a more versatile and engaged workforce.

“The opportunity that popped up that no one saw coming was that other hourly employees came to us to ask us to cross-train with other departments,” said Harris. This initiative began with banquet events, which often required flexible staffing, and soon extended to other areas of the hotel. It not only streamlined operations but also provided more working hours for the staff, enhancing overall efficiency.

Karen’s growth into an independent and confident employee has been one of the program’s most significant successes. “Our apprentice is very autonomous now. She doesn’t really need direction” said Harris. This independence reflects the success in fostering self-reliance and confidence among young employees.

Phylissa Gilman, HR Coordinator, encourages other businesses to embrace youth apprenticeships. “Don’t be scared to bring in employees and let them grow. Don’t underestimate them. High school students are very tech-savvy and have skills employers don’t even know they would need or have.”

The experience with Karen has been transformative for Embassy Suites. The apprenticeship program has not only nurtured a young talent but also invigorated the entire staff, creating a culture of learning and investment.